primary goal
of this project has been to research the family of William Follett (and
his wife Maria Hooper) who emigrated to South Australia in 1840 as free
settlers. The family name effectively ended with the death of Edward
Follett in
1959. William had only one great-grandson bearing the family name and
that child was illegitimate and whilst he bore the name Follett later
in his life, his birth records the father as 'unknown', so it is by no
means certain that he was in truth a Follett. A great-grand-daughter
(still alive as of 2012) resumed her maiden name after a divorce, but
she only had daughters.
Attempts to trace William's ancestry have to date proven fruitless. The
earliest record of the family is the birth of the second (known) child
in 1838 in the village of Littleham, near Exmouth, Co Devon. No trace
of William & Maria's marriage has been found, nor any trace of
their parentage. Maria (or Mary) Hooper is a common name in the
south-west of England and tracing just which one was the Maria who
married William has proven impossible, assuming she was a native of the
region, which is not certain. Several possibilities for the birth of
William are known, but which, if any, is the right one is likewise
impossible to determine. Equally frustrating is the fate of William -
in 1867 he left home in the evening "on business" and was never seen
again. Did he abscond from his family, changing his name, or was he
perhaps the victim of foul play, his corpse never being discovered
(there were no 'John Doe's' near to the date William vanished). Family
lore suggests that he left the country, perhaps going to India. It is
hoped that with the transcription & publication of additional
parish registers from south-west England that answers to some of these
questions may one day be known.
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most of these files are quite large. Please be patient while the files download!The chart linked above labelled "William Follett of South Australia" charts this family. In addition to charting the descendants of James, I have also undertaken a one-name study on Folletts of New Zealand and Australia (the surname is rather rare). With one exception all of these families were from England and most from South-West England. The one exception was a Follett family from France who resided in Australia for about a decade before returning to Europe (the head of the family was a French diplomat). I have also included several families with names phonetically similar to 'Follett'. The results of this research can be found in the chart, linked above, "Other Folletts of Australia & New Zealand". The "Sources" page is a master list of all sources for the various charts listed above. If you are a descendent of James & Penelope (or have researched this family), please email me if you wish to share information. If you are connected to an unrelated Powell family with South Australian connections and would like to submit corrections, additions or a previously unlisted family, please email me. |
Whilst the surname Follett is
often claimed to be of French origin due to its sound, it appears to be
of English origin. The surname is rather rare - there are only 687
Follett's listed in the 1881 UK census, roughly 0.002% of the
population. That figure remains consistent today and a similar
percentage can be found in both Australia (0.003%) and the USA
(0.001%). The majority of Folletts historically can be found in the
South-West of the UK, specifically in the neighbouring counties of
Somerset, Dorset, Devon, and Glamorgan. Other counties where
Folletts could be found included Hampshire, Surrey, Kent, London
(Middlesex) and Lancashire, all of which are known for their maritime
connection, as are the counties in the south-west. It is perhaps no
surprise that many of the British Follett families had
strong maritime connections, including one family that
operated a seizable fleet of ships from Co Devon for many centuries. The origin of
the surname is unknown, although one suggestion is that the "surname derives from the word
'folet', a diminutive of the Old French word 'fol,'
meaning eccentric or
foolish. This in turn comes from the Latin word 'follis'
which formerly referred to anything filled with air, but which later
took on metaphorical connotation of vanity. As a surname, it was most
likely a nickname for a free-spirited or eccentric person, which was
later adopted as a hereditary surname."[Surname
Database, House
of Names, Geneanet]
The theory does not offer an explanation as to how English
families from the south-west of England could have adopted such an
uncomplimentary French word as their surname. English surnames
generally derived from personal descriptions (eg: Brown),
(eg: Smith), forenames of ancestors (eg: Johnson), topographical (eg:
Banks) or locative names where the person took on the name of where
they previously came from. This was true even of the nobility who
usually took the name of their primary estate (the husband of a wealthy
heiress typically took on her name and became known, for example, as
the next Lord Montagu, a title previously held by his
father-in-law). Few of these offer much promise for a possible origin
of the surname Follett (unless all Folletts were named after a fool!).
Follett does not have any obvious connection with Old English (or other
ancient English languages), it (or a variation) is not association with
a particular trade or occupation, it does not bear any obvious
connection with known forenames (including obsolete names), nor does it
appear to have any obvious topographical or geographical meaning. It
has, however, been suggested that Follett is an occupational name for
an actor who traditionally
played the part of a comedian or joker in the famous travelling
theatres of the medieval England (see [Surname
although this would seem to be too recent for an origin. Another
possible source for English surnames is in the identification of an
individual as a servant of a Lord bearing that name. Just as someone
could have been known as John of (the village of) Bilton, one may have
been known as John of (the estate belonging to Lord) Ingham, especially
when the Lord in question was an absentee landlord. In this context the
Norman use of Follett as a surname dates back to at least the invasion
of England in 1066, with several variants of Follett listed amongst
those who accompanied William of Normandy on his conquest. It is of
couse also possible that some of today's Folletts directly descend from
those early Norman Folletts, although reliable attempts to trace any
lineage back to these 11th century Normans have all failed. There are
numerous known variations of the surname including Folet, Follet,
Folliott, Follit, Folioth and Follit.