KITCHIN ------- A genealogy of the KITCHIN/KITCHING family of Yorkshire, England, from c.1610 to about 1780 and concentrating on my direct lines. Reproduction for the purpose of financial gain is prohibited. Redistribution of this material to a genealogical listing/service which resells or charges for access is also prohibited. This material is public domain, unless specified otherwise in the sources, and cannot, by international copyright law ("Intellectual Rights") be copyrighted by a third party. I make no claim regarding the accuracy of this chart; the original sources are not free from error and a degree of guesswork is involved in genealogy. Last revision: 07/1/2000 (c) David Powell, KITCHING [entries for Kitchen, Kychyn, Kitchener, Coquina] [also Kytchingman, Kychynman, Kitchingham] Occupational name persisting in the Swillington area until the present day. From: "Origins of Yorkshire Names", extract supplied by Tana, Otley is almost due north of Bradford in West Yorkshire, England, and lies on the south bank of the River Wharfe. Cookridge is near Adel, about half-way between Otley and Leeds. 11. Thomas Kitchin,[1] born about 1610,[5,6] possibly of Calverley, Yorkshire.[5] Died 1658 and buried 14/8/1658, Kirskill, Yorkshire.[2] Married Judith Atkinson.[6] Widow was living at Arthington, Yorkshire, in 1672.[1] Children of Thomas Kitchin and Judith Atkinson: i. Elizabeth Kitchin, baptised 23/9/1638, Kirskill, Yorkshire.[2] ii. William Kitchin, born about 1640, Kirskill, Yorkshire.[1,3] Married unknown. Children: Ann (1664-1666), Elizabeth (1665), Jane (1666), Ann (1668) and Mary, of Arthington Bank, Yorkshire.[2,4] * iii. Thomas Kitchin, baptised 5/11/1640, Kirskill, Yorkshire.[2] [1] Details estimated from marriage and/or baptism of children. [2] Information from Harold & Carole Ingham, sourced from IGI, Adel PR's and BT's, gravestone records (Adel Parish), will of Thomas Kitchin (d.1747) and 1672 Hearth Tax lists for Adel, Eccup and Arthington, Yorkshire. [3] Possible son of Thomas. Could be the son of William Kitchin of Arthington Bank, Yorkshire who married Margaret Gill, 1/11/1620 and was buried 23/12/1643 at Arthington Bank, Yorkshire. [4] Ann, born 1668, either married John Cean, 1/1/1689-1690, Arthington Bank, Yorkshire, or died 12/2/1705-1706, Arthington Bank, Yorkshire.[2] [5] International Genealogical Index, LDS; 1994 edition, 1997 addendum (v.4.0); F#:1903831 [6] International Genealogical Index, LDS; 1994 edition, 1997 addendum (v.4.0); F#:452765, O#:3117 ************************************************* 10. Thomas Kitchin, baptised 5/11/1640, Kirskill, Yorkshire.[1] Married Mary Gill, 2/2/1667, Arthington, Yorkshire.[1] Children of Thomas Kitchin and Mary Gill: i. Anna Kitchin, baptised 28/11/1667, Arthington, Yorkshire.[1,2] * ii. Thomas Kitchin, born c.1676, Arthington, Yorkshire.[1] iii. Mary Kitchin, born 1680, Arthington, Yorkshire.[1] Married Edward Wilson, 11/8/1701, Arthington, Yorkshire.[1] Children: Jane (1702) of Adel, Yorkshire.[3] [1] Information from Harold & Carole Ingham, sourced from IGI, Adel PR's and BT's, gravestone records (Adel Parish), will of Thomas Kitchin (d.1747) and 1672 Hearth Tax lists for Adel, Eccup and Arthington, Yorkshire. [2] Ann, born 1667, either married John Cean, 1/1/1689-1690, Arthington Bank, Yorkshire, or died 12/2/1705-1706, Arthington Bank, Yorkshire.[2] [3] International Genealogical Index, LDS; 1994 edition, 1997 addendum (v.4.0). ************************************************* 9. Thomas Kitchin, husbandman,[1] born c.1676, Arthington, Yorkshire.[1,2] Thomas made a will 21/11/1747 and died 25/11/1747, Lineholme (Lynum), Yorkshire.[1] Married Elizabeth, c.1703, Adel Parish, Yorkshire.[1] Elizabeth was born c.1683[1,3] and died 14/2/1769, Lineholme, Yorkshire.[1] Thomas and Elizabeth are buried at the Adel Parish Church, Yorkshire, with the following gravestone inscription: "Here lieth interred the body of Thomas Kitching, of Linum, who departed this life Novr. the 22d, 1747, in the 72nd year of his age. Also Elizabeth Kitching his wife, who died Febry the 14th, 1769, in the 86 year of her age. Also James Kitching, late of Acaster Selby, son of the above Thomas and Elizabeth Kitching, who departed this life Novr the 11th, 1789, aged 67 years. Also Hannah, wife of the above, who died Feby 29th, 1804, aged 78." Thomas (and Elizabeth) lived at Arthington until at least 1704, but moved to Cookridge some time before 1711, before finally moving to Lineholme (Linum, Lineham), near Eccup, Yorkshire, c.1724-1725.[1] Children of Thomas and Elizabeth Kitchin: i. Anne Kitchin, baptised 2/7/1704, Arthington, Yorkshire.[1,2] Died after 1747.[1] Married John Chapman, 23/10/1724, Adel Parish, Yorkshire.[1] Children: William (1724) and Anne (1727) of Horsforth, Yorkshire.[5] ii. Thomas Kitchin, baptised 6/10/1706, Arthington/Cookridge, Yorkshire.[1,2] Died after 1747.[1] iii. John Kitchin, born about 1708, Arthington/Cookridge, Yorkshire.[1] Died after 1747.[1] * iv. Jane Kitchin, baptised 1/11/1711, Cookridge, Yorkshire.[1,2] v. Mary Kitchin, baptised 29/3/1714, Cookridge, Yorkshire.[1,2] Died 1719, Cookridge, Yorkshire, and was buried 8/10/1719, Adel Parish, Yorkshire.[1] * vi. Elizabeth Kitchin, born c.1718, Cookridge, Yorkshire.[1] vii. Benjamin Kitchin, baptised 10/7/1720, Cookridge, Yorkshire.[1,2] Died after 1747.[1] viii. James Kitchin, baptised 24/8/1723, Cookridge, Yorkshire.[1,2] Died 11/11/1789, Acaster Selby, Yorkshire, and buried Adel Parish, Yorkshire.[1] Married Hannah Portington, 8/5/1759, Adel Parish, Yorkshire.[1] Hannah was born 1726 and died 29/2/1804, buried Adel parish Church, Yorkshire.[1] ix. Barbara Kitchin, baptised 25/4/1726, Lineholme (Linum), Yorkshire.[1,2] Died 1726, Lineholme, Yorkshire, and buried 15/5/1726, Adel Parish, Yorkshire.[1] x. Timothy Kitchin, baptised 23/10/1727, Lineholme, Yorkshire.[1,2] Died 1727, Lineholme, Yorkshire, and buried 29/10/1727, Adel Parish, Yorkshire.[1] [1] Information from Harold & Carole Ingham, sourced from IGI, Adel PR's and BT's, gravestone records (Adel Parish), will of Thomas Kitchin (d.1747) and 1672 Hearth Tax lists for Adel, Eccup and Arthington, Yorkshire. [2] International Genealogical Index, LDS; 1994 edition, 1997 addendum (v.4.0); Ba:P007001, So:942 B4T V.5, Pr:0471894 [3] International Genealogical Index, LDS; 1994 edition, 1997 addendum (v.4.0); F#:452785, O#:2880 [4] International Genealogical Index, LDS; 1994 edition, 1997 addendum (v.4.0); F#:452780, O#:3109 [5] International Genealogical Index, LDS; 1994 edition, 1997 addendum (v.4.0). ************************************************* NOTE: Jane's (8a) daughter, Rosamund, married Elizabeth's (8b) son, William. 8a. Jane Kitchin, baptised 1/11/1711, Cookridge, Yorkshire.[1,2] Died 1797, Eccup, Yorkshire, and buried 18/1/1797, Adel Parish, Yorkshire.[1] Married James Harrison, 10/1/1740, Adel Parish Church, Yorkshire.[1] James was born 1711, Eccup, Yorkshire, baptised 1/7/1711, Adel Parish Church, Yorkshire, died 1795, Eccup, Yorkshire, and buried 17/8/1795, Adel Parish, Yorkshire.[1] Children of Jane Kitchin and James Harrison: i. Barbara Harrison, born 1740, Eccup, Yorkshire. Baptised 14/12/1740, Adel Parish, Yorkshire.[1,3] ii. Rachel Harrison, born 1742, Eccup, Yorkshire. Baptised 4/4/1742, Adel Parish, Yorkshire.[1,3] Married John Bentley, 15/9/1767, Adel Parish, Yorkshire.[1,3] * iii. Rosamund (Rose) Harrison, born 1743, Eccup, Yorkshire. Baptised 24/8/1743, Adel Parish, Yorkshire.[1,3] iv. Mary Harrison, born 1745, Eccup, Yorkshire. Baptised 28/4/1745, Adel Parish, Yorkshire.[1,3] Died 1745, Eccup, Yorkshire, and buried 1/5/1745, Adel Parish, Yorkshire.[1,3] v. Ann Harrison, born 1746, Eccup, Yorkshire. Baptised 19/5/1746, Adel Parish, Yorkshire.[1,3] Died 1769, Eccup, Yorkshire, and buried 16/3/1769, Adel Parish, Yorkshire.[1] vi. Thomas Harrison, wheelwright & carpenter, born 1747/1748, Eccup, Yorkshire. Baptised 6/1/1747-1748, Adel Parish, Yorkshire.[1,3] Died 1817, Eccup, Yorkshire, and buried 9/2/1817, Adel Parish, Yorkshire.[1,3] Married Jane Ingham, 21/1/1773, Adel Parish, Yorkshire.[1,3] Jane born 1750, Arthington, Yorkshire, died 1786, Eccup, Yorkshire and buried 7/3/1786, Adel Parish, Yorkshire.[1,3] Children: Sarah (1774), John (1775), James (1776), Mary (1777-1780), Robert (1779), Elizabeth (1779-1779), Hannah (1781-1793) and Elizabeth (1783) of Eccup, Yorkshire.[1] vii. John Harrison of Eccup, Yorkshire. Died 1753, Eccup, Yorkshire, & buried 15/3/1753, Adel Parish, Yorkshire.[1,3] viii. Mary Harrison, born 1763, Eccup, Yorkshire. Baptised 30/10/1763, Adel Parish, Yorkshire.[1,3] 8b. Elizabeth Kitchin, born c.1718, Cookridge, Yorkshire.[1] Died 1773, Cookridge, Yorkshire and was buried 24/7/1773, Adel Parish, Yorkshire.[1] Married Samuel Ingham, 7/8/1741, Adel Parish, Yorkshire.[1] Samuel was born 1719, Arthington, Yorkshire, baptised 16/8/1719, St John the Baptist Church, Adel Parish, Yorkshire, died Yates Farm, 20/8/1789, Cookridge, Yorkshire and was buried 22/8/1789, Adel Parish, Yorkshire.[1] Children of Elizabeth Kitchin and Samuel Ingham: * i. William Ingham, born 1742, Cookridge, Yorkshire. Baptised 7/5/1742, Adel Parish, Yorkshire.[1] ii. Ann Ingham, born 1744, Horsford, Yorkshire. Baptised 16/5/1744, Adel Parish, Yorkshire.[1] Died 1822, Cookridge, Yorkshire, and buried 31/12/1822, Adel Parish, Yorkshire.[1] Married Joseph Carr, 16/9/1765, Adel Parish, Yorkshire.[1] Joseph was born 1742, died 1830 and was buried 22/7/1830.[1] Chidlren: Samuel (1766-1774), Joseph (1771), Ann (1776), Sarah (1777), John (1781) and Charles (1783-1810) of Cookridge, Yorkshire.[1] iii. Elizabeth Ingham, born 1745-1746, Horsforth, Yorkshire. Baptised 2/2/1745-1746, Adel Parish, Yorkshire.[1] Died 1748, Cookridge, Yorkshire, and buried 19/7/1748, Adel Parish, Yorkshire.[1] iv. Sarah (Mary) Ingham, born 1747, Cookridge, Yorkshire. Baptised 1/11/1747, Adel Parish, Yorkshire.[1] Died 23/10/1817, Adel Parish, Yorkshire and buried the same day.[1] Married William Musgrave, 17/9/1772, Leeds, Yorkshire.[1] William born 27/4/1748, Leeds, Yorkshire and died 23/3/1820, Adel Parish, Yorkshire.[1] Children: Ann (1773), Samuel (1776-1835), Elizabeth (1778), Sarah (1780), Amelia (1782), Benjamin (1785-1844), Mary (1787-1790) & Jane (1790) of Mill Hill, Leeds, Yorkshire.[1] v. Hannah Ingham, born 1749, Cookridge, Yorkshire. Baptised 30/11/1749, Adel Parish, Yorkshire.[1] vi. Barbary Ingham, born 1752, Cookridge, Yorkshire. Baptised 12/2/1752, Adel Parish, Yorkshire.[1] Died 1827?, Winksley, Yorkshire.[1] Married Robert Thompson, a flax manufacturer, 11/5/1778, Guiseley, Yorkshire.[1] Children: Thomas (1779) & Elizabeth (1781) of Winksley, Yorkshire.[1] vii. Samuel Ingham, farmer, born 1754, Cookridge, Yorkshire. Baptised 30/1/1754, Adel Parish, Yorkshire.[1] Died 15/5/1827, Dean Grange Farm, Horsforth, Yorkshire, & buried 17/5/1827, Adel, Yorkshire.[1] Took over tenancy of Dean Grange Farm, Horsforth in 1783 (was previously at Low Farm, Cookridge).[1] Ingham's still live at Dean Grange Farm today.[1] Also had interests in Moseley and Crag Farms in Cookridge.[1] Married Elizabeth Chapman, 26/11/1789, Adel Parish, Yorkshire.[1] Elizabeth was born 1764, Cookridge, Yorkshire, and died 6/6/1833, Horsforth, Yorkshire.[1] Children: Samuel (1790), Elizabeth (1792-1793), Sarah (1794), Betty (1795), William (1797-1869), John (1799-1851), Frances (1801-1802), Joseph (1803-1845), Robert (1805-1849) and Hannah (1808-1828) of Horsforth, Yorkshire.[1] viii. Betty Ingham, born 1756, Cookridge, Yorkshire. Baptised 30/1/1756, Adel Parish, Yorkshire.[1] Died 1827, Lamb Hill, Masham, Yorkshire, and buried 1/11/1827, Adel Parish, Yorkshire.[1] Betty's will deeds her farm to her nephew, Samuel Ingham.[1] Married 1st William Standley, cordwainer, 21/11/1774, Guiseley, Yorkshire.[1] Married 2nd William Wilkinson, 29/6/1794, Guiseley, Yorkshire.[1] Lived at Lamb Hill Farm, Masham (near Ripon), Yorkshire.[1] No children mentioned in will.[1] ix. Frances Ingham, born 1757, Cookridge, Yorkshire.[1] Died 1758, Cookridge, Yorkshire, and buried 16/11/1758, Adel Parish, Yorkshire.[1] x. Richard Ingham, stonemason, born 1759, Cookridge, Yorkshire. Baptised 24/5/1759, Adel Parish, Yorkshire.[1] Died 1826, Horsforth, Yorkshire, and buried 15/1/1826, Guiseley, Yorkshire.[1] Married Mary Armitage, 4/11/1793, Guiseley, Yorkshire.[1] Mary was born 1751, died 1825 and buried 7/8/1825, Guiseley, Yorkshire.[1] Children: Elizabeth (1794-1796), James (1796-1853) and Elizabeth (1798) of Horsforth, Yorkshire.[1] xi. John Ingham, born 1761, Cookridge, Yorkshire. Baptised 29/5/1761, Adel Parish, Yorkshire.[1] Died 1832, Cookridge, Yorkshire, and buried 26/2/1826, Adel Parish, Yorkshire.[1] Married 1st Hannah.[1] Married 2nd Martha Wilson of Leeds, 22/10/1786, Harewood, Yorkshire.[1] xii. Robert Ingham, farmer, born 1763, Cookridge, Yorkshire. Baptised 13/11/1763, Adel Parish, Yorkshire.[1] Died 7/7/1851, Wortley, Yorkshire.[1] Married Hannah Holmes, 24/12/1787, Guiseley, Yorkshire.[1] Hannah was born 1762, Guiseley, Yorkshire, and died 7/4/1839, Wortley, Yorkshire.[1] Children: Samuel (1789-1865), Robert (1790-1861), William (1791-1851), Hannah (1793-1803), Betty (1795-1803), Ann (1796), John (1800-1803), Sarah (1801) and Benjamin (1802-1802) of Cookridge, Yorkshire.[1] [1] Information from Harold & Carole Ingham, sourced from IGI, Adel PR's and BT's, gravestone records (Adel Parish), will of Thomas Kitchin (d.1747) and 1672 Hearth Tax lists for Adel, Eccup and Arthington, Yorkshire. [2] International Genealogical Index, LDS; 1994 edition, 1997 addendum (v.4.0); Ba:P007001, So:942 B4T V.5, Pr:0471894 [3] Adel PR's, Harrison extract provided by Harold & Carole Ingham. ************************************************* 7. William Ingham, inkeeper, born 1742, Cookridge, Yorkshire. Baptised 7/5/1742, St John the Baptist Church, Adel Parish, Yorkshire.[1] According to his marriage record, William had left home prior to his marriage and had already settled in Otley.[1] In 1781, at the baptism of William, his occupation was listed as labourer, for at least some of that time he was working for the Brumfitt's, friends of the Ingham family and farmers and cattle dealers.[1] Since William was not a major benificiary of his father's will, it is probable that he received his share some time after leaving home but before his father's death in 1789.[1] It seems he used his share to buy a long-term lease on "The Barleysheaf Inn" on Boroughgate, Otley, of which he was the inkeeper when he died.[1] After his death, his widow, Rosamund, ran the inn for a further 10-11 years.[1] William died 1810, Otley, Yorkshire and was buried 20/2/1810, Otley, Yorkshire.[1] Married Rosamund Harrison, 26/11/1766, Adel Parish, Yorkshire.[1] Rosamund was baptised 24/8/1743 at Eccup, Yorkshire, died 1826 & buried 7/3/1826, Otley, Yorkshire.[1] Children of William Ingham and Rosamund Harrison: i. Jenne (Jane) Ingham, born 1768, Otley, Yorkshire. Baptised 4/9/1768, Otley, Yorkshire.[1] Died 20/6/1840, Otley, Yorkshire.[1] Married John Deighton, an "Officer of Excise", 29/7/1800, Otley, Yorkshire.[1] John was born 1754 and died 17/12/1827, Otley, Yorkshire.[1] ii. Samuel Ingham, born 1771, Otley, Yorkshire. Baptised 2/8/1771, Otley, Yorkshire.[1] Died 1773, Otley, Yorkshire, and buried 2/11/1773, Otley, Yorkshire.[1] iii. William Ingham, born 1773, Otley, Yorkshire. Baptised 7/3/1773, Otley, Yorkshire.[1] Died in infancy.[1] iv. Elizabeth Ingham, born 1775, Otley, Yorkshire. Baptised 14/5/1775, Otley, Yorkshire.[1] Died 1825, Otley, Yorkshire, and buried 5/1/1825, Otley, Yorkshire.[1] Married 1st John Green, 11/4/1792, Otley, Yorkshire.[1] John died.[1] Married 2nd William Thackwray, a cooper, 27/10/1816, Otley, Yorkshire.[1] v. William Ingham, born 1781, Otley, Yorkshire. Baptised 22/7/1781, Otley, Yorkshire.[1] William was a school master, initially operating a small school from his father's inn.[1] By 1847 WIlliam had moved and was running "The Academy" in North St, Otley,[1] very near where his nephew, James Tosh, would latter design and build the Board School.[1] William and his family lived in a small cottage in Paradise Square, Otley.[1] In 1841 William was still living in Paradise Square.[1] Died 1858, Otley, Yorkshire, and buried 2/4/1858, Otley, Yorkshire.[1] Married Alice Knowlson, 27/12/1802.[1] Alice was baptised 2/7/1780, Skipton, Yorkshire, and buried 22/12/1846, Otley, Yorkshire.[1] Children: John (1803-1870) of Otley, Yorkshire.[1] John spent nearly 19 years in the army, serving in India.[1] vi. Ann Ingham, born 1783, Otley, Yorkshire. Baptised 19/5/1783, Otley, Yorkshire.[1] Died 1783, Otley, Yorkshire, and buried 25/5/1783, Otley, Yorkshire.[1] * vii. Robert Ingham, born 1788, Otley, Yorkshire. Baptised 2/7/1788, Otley, Yorkshire.[1] [1] Information sourced and supplied by Harold & Carole Ingham. Sourced from the IGI, parish records, wills, deeds etc. ************************************************* 6. Robert Ingham, inkeeper of Barleysheaf (1821-1843), born 1788, Otley, Yorkshire.[1,3] Baptised 2/7/1788, Otley, Yorkshire.[1] Robert, who was illiterate, worked as a cordwainer before he took over as the innkeeper at the BarleySheaf, shortly before his mother's death.[1] According to the baptism records for his children, Robert was still working as a cordwainer in 1819, but by 1821 he had become an innkeeper.[1] In 1841 Robert was living at the Barleysheaf with children Harriet, Henry, James his family and a servant, Sarah Curtis, age 20.[1] By 1847 the family had left the Barleysheaf, which was eventually bought by a local brewery.[1] After it was sold it became known as the Wheatsheaf and was eventually closed down at the end of the 19th century because of its notoriety as a gambling den.[1] The inn was then subdivided and today houses several shops including Mounseys, a stationary and book store. In 1851 Robert was living with his brother, William (the schoolmaster) in Paradise Square, Otley.[1] At the time he was running a shop on 14, Kirkgate.[1] He was listed in the 1851 census as a school teacher, although since he was illiterate, that seems unlikely.[1] Robert died of "old age", 9/6/1859, Paradise Square, Otley, Yorkshire.[1,3] Married Margaret Clark, 3/1/1809, All Saints Church, Otley, Yorkshire.[1] Margaret was born c.1788, probably at Otley, Yorkshire, and died 7/11/1837, Otley, Yorkshire, of consumption (TB).[1-3] Children of Robert Ingham and Margaret Clark: i. William Ingham, a joiner & cabinet maker, born 4/12/1809, Otley, Yorkshire. Baptised 31/12/1809, Otley, Yorkshire.[1] Married Hannah Almond, 19/8/1832, St Peter's Leeds, Yorkshire.[1] Hannah was baptised 26/3/1815, Dewsbury, Yorkshire, and died 1859.[1] William and his family settled at Dewsbury, Yorkshire.[1] Children: Elizabeth (1833), Michael (1834-1884), Frederick (1837), Charles (1838-1853), Margaret (1841), Benjamin (1844), James (1845-1917) and Joseph (1849-1862/1864) of Dewsbury, Yorkshire.[1] ii. Elizabeth Ingham, born 2/12/1811, Otley, Yorkshire. Baptised 22/12/1811, Otley, Yorkshire.[1] Died 20/12/1879, Otley, Yorkshire.[1] Married James Freeman, 22/9/1834, Otley, Yorkshire.[1] James, a stonemason, was baptised 22/4/1810, Otley, Yorkshire and died 27/7/1875, Otley, Yorkshire.[1] Was living at 15 Cambridge Lane, Otley, Yorkshire in 1861 and 1871.[1] iii. James Ingham, a plumber & glazier, born 8/3/1814, Otley, Yorkshire.[1,3] Baptised 3/4/1814, Otley, Yorkshire.[1] Died 1896, Otley, Yorkshire.[1] Married Elizabeth Nunn, 14/4/1834, Otley, Yorkshire.[1] Elizabeth was baptised 20/7/1813, Otley, Yorkshire,[1,3] and died 1885, Otley, Yorkshire.[1] In 1851 the family was living on Cross Green, Otley.[1] James and his family were living at the Barleysheaf in 1841.[1] Children: Henrietta (1836), Jane (1838) & William (1841) of Otley, Yorkshire.[1,3] iv. Robert Ingham, a tailor, born 1/10/1816, Otley, Yorkshire. Baptised 27/10/1816, Otley, Yorkshire.[1] Died from an abscess of the liver, caused by an infection, possibly appendicitis, 22/3/1857, Otley, Yorkshire.[1] Married Mary Ann Rawling, 10/4/1840, Otley, Yorkshire.[1] Mary was born 24/2/1817, Otley, Yorkshire and died 2/5/1889, Otley, Yorkshire.[1] In 1841 Robert and his family were living at the "Weigh House"; the Weigh House was three doors east on Boroughgate and also doubled as Robert's tailor shop.[1] The family was still at the Weigh House in 1851.[1] In 1851 Robert was "Assistant overseer to the poor", an elected position which involved collecting tax to support the "Poor Union".[1] In addition he was also a master tailor.[1] Children: James Rawling (1840), Frederick Brumfitt (1842-1909), Charles (1846-1916), Margaret (1847), Ann (1850-1922), Mary Ann (1853-1908) and Harriet (1855) of Otley, Yorkshire.[1] v. John Ingham, a joiner, born 15/11/1818, Otley, Yorkshire. Baptised 7/2/1819, Otley, Yorkshire.[1] Died 4/7/1855, Otley, Yorkshire, of consumption (TB).[1,3] Did not marry. Was not in Otley in 1841 or 1851 according to the census'.[1] vi. Henry Ingham, currier, born 31/3/1821, Otley, Yorkshire. [1,3] Baptised 29/7/1821, Otley, Yorkshire.[1] Was living at the Barleysheaf in 1841.[1] In 1851 he was living on Cross Green, Otley, with his brother, James.[1] Died 12/6/1876, Otley, Yorkshire.[1] Married Sarah Littlewood, 6/11/1853, Otley, Yorkshire.[1] Sarah was baptised 13/8/1834, Otley, Yorkshire and drowned 6/9/1896, Otley, Yorkshire.[1] Children: Jane (1854-1855), Jane Elizabeth (1856-1937), Robert (1858-1858), Robert (1859-1940), William Henry (1861-1861), William (1862/1863-1933), Harriet (1865), Margaret Hannah (1868-1948), James (1871-1941) and Alfred Henry (1873-1953) of Otley, Yorkshire.[1] vii. Jane Ingham, born 15/11/1823, Otley, Yorkshire. Baptised 10/12/1823, Otley, Yorkshire.[1] Died 25/7/1837, Otley, Yorkshire, of consumption (TB).[1,3] * viii. Harriet Ingham, born 29/3/1831, Otley, Yorkshire.[1,3] Baptised 27/4/1831, Otley, Yorkshire.[1] [1] Information sourced and supplied by Harold & Carole Ingham. Sourced from the IGI, parish records, wills, deeds etc. [2] Death certificate, Margaret Ingham nee Clark, copy provided by Harold & Carole Ingham. [3] Information from Paul & Beryl Thompson, . Sources: family records, 1841 UK census and gravestone inscriptions from All Saints, Otley. ************************************************* 5. Harriet Ingham, born 29/3/1831, Otley, Yorkshire.[3,18,19] Baptised 27/4/1831, Otley, Yorkshire.[18] Was living at the Barleysheaf, Otley, Yorkshire, in 1841,[18] and at Hunslet, near Leeds, Yorkshire, in 1851.[18] Died 16/12/1866, Islington, London.[3,5] Married Peter Tosh Jr., 4/2/1850, All Saints, Otley, Yorkshire.[3,12] Peter, a mechanic/engineer,[4,12] was born 31/12/1815,[3] baptised 3/1/1816, Arbirlot, Angus,[1,2] and died at home, 269 Goldhawk Rd., Shepherds Bush, London, 6/10//1877.[4,5] In the 1851 census the family was living at Hunslet, Yorkshire, with Mary Tosh.[1] Children of Harriet Ingham and Peter Tosh: * i. James Tosh, born 7/12/1850, Otley, Yorkshire.[3,5,17] ii. Hariet Tosh, born 28/1/1853, No.1, Bridge Place, off Kew North Rd, Islington, London.[3,5] Died before 1877 (not mentioned in Peter's will.[4]) iii. Peter Alfred Tosh, architect,[5,6,11] born 20/7/1856, No.1, Rydon Street, off Kew North Rd, Islington, London.[3] Was living at 269 Goldhawk Rd., Shepherds Bush, London, in February, 1878.[4] In 1881 census was a visitor at The Chestnuts, Bexley, Kent with Richard C. Smith and family; Peter's occupation was given as "Engineer & T+".[18] Died 12/7/1923, Royal Northern Hospital, Holloway, London.[10] At the time he was residing at 275 Highbury Rd, Highbury, London.[10] Married Mary Edmonston,[11] Q/E 9/1878, Edmonton, London.[5] Mary was born Q/E 6/1858[5,6] and died Q/E 3/1944, Edmonton, London.[5] After Peter died Mary moved to 40 Belsize Ave, Palmers Green, London.[10] In 1881 Peter and Mary were living at 56 Upper Tolli. (abbreviated, unclear), Hornsey, London.[6] In 1882, Peter and Mary were living at Chieveley Lodge, May Place Rd, Crayford, London.[11] Children: Alfred Percival (1879-1947) & Henry Cecil (1881-1930) of Hornsey, London,[5] and Clifford Edmonston (1882-1948) of Crayford, London.[5,11] iv. Fanny Tosh, born 12/9/1859, No.18, Stoke Newington Green, Islington, London.[3,5] Died Q/E 9/1867, Islington, London.[5] v. Henry "Harry" Maltby Tosh, accountant[8] and civil servant,[16] born 30/1/1862, No.18, Stoke Newington Green, Islington, London.[3,5] In 1881 Henry was at 11 Harding St., Islington, London, the home of Joseph Lander, a watch engraver.[8] In 1922 "Harry" was living at 45 Mountfield Rd, Church End, Finchley, London.[9,15] Died 12/7/1922 at Vaynor Broadstone, Dorset.[5,10,15] Married Emily, Q/E 6/1891, Islington, London.[5] Emily died 12/8/1920, 45 Mountfield Rd, Church End, London.[16] Children: Harry Ingham (1893-c.1917) & Leslie (1894) of Elham, London.[5] Leslie emigrated to Canada.[14] vi. Alice Tosh, born 16/2/1864, No.18, Stoke Newington Green, Islington, London.[3,5] In 1881 Alice was living in the household of Elsie Baulettin, Marylebone, London.[7] In 1871 Alice was living in Cambridge Lane, Otley, with her aunt, Elizabeth (Ingham) Freeman and her husband, James.[18] Alice was an apprentice to Elsie in "Berlin woollen work".[18] Married unknown, 1891, Islington, London.[5] [1] Scottish Ancestral Indices, Presbyterian Church of Scotland, Parish Registers, LDS. [2] International Genealogical Index, LDS; 1994 edition, 1997 addendum (v.4.0); Ba: C112714, So: 993329 [3] Information from the Tosh family bible. [4] Will of Peter Tosh Jr., dated 20/7/1877, copy supplied by Harold & Carole Ingham of Lincoln, England. Also entry in (English) National Probate Calendar, 27/2/1778. [5] St Catherine's Index (English BDM registry), supplied by Harold & Carole Ingham of Lincoln, England. ("Q/E" is "quarter ending", the quarter of the year in which the event occured. Note that the event in question may have occured in the previour quarter but was not registered until the one quoted.) [6] 1851 UK census, Ref:1375-112-3, information supplied by Harold & Carole Ingham of Lincoln, England. [7] 1851 UK census, Ref:0140-125a-45, information supplied by Harold & Carole Ingham of Lincoln, England. [8] 1851 UK census, Ref:0226-11-16, information supplied by Harold & Carole Ingham of Lincoln, England. [9] "1922 Kelly's Directory for Middlesex", information supplied by Harold & Carole Ingham of Lincoln, England. [10] (English) National Probate Calendar, information supplied by Harold & Carole Ingham of Lincoln, England. [11] Birth certificate for Peter Alfred Tosh, Crayford, London. [12] Marriage certificate for Peter Tosh & Harriet Ingham. [13] Death certificate for Henry "Harry" Maltby Tosh. [14] Letter from Henry Tosh to James Tosh, of Sydney, Australia. Details from Florence Mackie nee Tosh (deceased). [15] Henry Maltby Tosh, will (16/8/1920) and probate (15/8/1922), information supplied by Harold & Carole Ingham of Lincoln, England. [16] Will & probate for Emily, wife of Henry "Harry" Maltby Tosh, information supplied by Harold & Carole Ingham of Lincoln, England. [17] Death certificate for James Tosh. [18] Information sourced and supplied by Harold & Carole Ingham. Sourced from the IGI, parish records, wills, deeds etc. [19] Information from Paul & Beryl Thompson, . Sources: family records, 1841 UK census and gravestone inscriptions from All Saints, Otley. ************************************************* 4. James Tosh, architect & surveyor,[9] born 7/12/1850, Otley, Yorkshire.[2,3,8] Following the death of his mother Harriet (nee Ingham) in 1866, he presumably spent a considerable amount of time in Otley, probably with maternal Aunt Elizabeth Freeman and her husband James, retired builder/mason (he was with them in the 1861 census).[11] He trained as an architect, probably in Otley as Otley museum has records of James Tosh as a party in land transactions in 1874-5, also an entry in a trade directory for 1875 as an architect at Station Road, Otley.[11] In 1874 and 1875 (and possibly earlier), James was living with James and Elizabeth (nee Ingham, his aunt) Freeman, Cambridge Lane, Otley, Yorkshire where he was presumably studying to be an architect with Mr. Marshall.[11] After the death of James Freeman in 1875, James (Tosh) resided at Station Rd, Otley, Yorkshire (during 1875).[11] In late 1875 James returned to London (presumably his studies had been completed) where he married and fathered his child. In 1879 James was again residing at Otley, where, with Alfred Marshall, he designed and built the "North Parade Board School", on the corner of North Parade and Cattle Market St, Otley, which today is "All Saints School".[11] The school was opened 8/11/1879.[11] James emigrated to Sydney, Australia, with his wife and son, on board the Lusitania as "second saloon" passengers; departed London 19/5/1879, arrived Sydney 11/7/1879.[2,4,8] In Sydney, James & his family resided at 19 Argyle St, Parramatta, a house that James himself designed and built.[12] James was an architect with the NSW Government's Architect Office[8] and (earlier?) a partner in Tosh & Robinson, an architectural firm.[15] While with this firm, James designed several churches in the Randwick area in the 1880's and was the second prize winner in a competition to design the future suburb of Kensington in the late 1880s.[15] James also built churches in other areas including Leigh Memorial Church, Parramatta, the plans being completed 14/12/1883,[13] St Albans, Rooty Hill (destroyed by fire in 1942) and another at Penrith, NSW.[14] After his first wife's death, James then resided at 364 Alfred St, North Sydney.[2,8] James died at home, 7/1/1918,[2,8,17] of cancer of the oesophagus & exhaustion, of which he had suffered at least a year, and was buried 8/1/1918 in the Roman Catholic section, Rookwood Cemetery, Sydney,[8,19] section E, grave 2410.[19] James was previously presbyterian, his conversion to Catholicism presumably occured after his second marriage. James married 1st Clara Maria King, 27/12/1875 at St Johns, Hackney, London.[1,2,8,10] Clara was born 18/12/1842 in Kingsland or Shoreditch, London,[1-3] latter lived at Southgate, London,[2] died 19/12/1896 at 19 Argyle St, Parramatta, NSW,[1,2,5] and buried at Mays Hill Cemetery, Sydney.[5,6] Married 2nd Sarah Ann Atkinson (nee Burrows), 1902, Sydney, Australia.[8,16] Sarah was born 1862,[19] died 1940, Ashfield, Sydney,[18] and was buried 3/8/1940, Catholic Section, Rookwood Cemetery, in the same grave as James.[19] There is no record of Sarah's birth or first marriage in NSW, presumably she and her first husband emigrated to Australia. Children of James Tosh and Clara Maria King: * i. Harold Freeman Tosh, born 5/1/1877 at "Rose Cottage", Tile Kiln Lane, Edmonton, London.[1,2,3,9,10] [1] Information from the Eastes/Back family bible. [2] Information from the Tosh family bible. [3] St Catherine's Index, sourced by Harold & Carole Ingham. [4] Sydney Morning Herald, 12/7/1879. Copy supplied by Sid Hammell. [5] Death certificate for Clara Tosh. [6] Family records collated by Clara Winifred Tosh & David Powell. [7] Mays Hill Cemetery Transcriptions by Judith Dunn, Parramatta and District Historical Society. Extract provided by Robyn Smith. [8] Death certificate for James Tosh. [9] Birth certificate for Harold Freeman Tosh, Edmonton District, Middlesex Co. (London). Book No. 26, page 81. [10] St Catherine's Index (English BDM registry), supplied by Harold & Carole Ingham of Lincoln, England. [11] Information provided by Harold & Carole Ingham, including "A Walk Around Otley". [12] Architectural plans for "Otley", Argyle St, Parramatta, Australia. [13] Architectural plans for Leigh Memorial Church, Parramatta, Australia; also church bulletin, Leigh Memorial Church, 9/2/1997. [14] Information from Wal Raison, Blacktown Historical Society, personal communication, 1998. [15] Personal communication, 1997, Joseph Waugh, Randwick & District Historical Society. [16] NSW BDM Indices, reference: 1902.161 [17] NSW BDM Indices, reference: 1918.3108, registered at St Leonards. [18] NSW BDM Indices, reference: 1940.14720 [19] Rookwood Cemetery Office, Catholic Section, Barnet Ave, Randwick, phone: 02-9649 6423. ************************************************* 3. Harold Freeman Tosh was born 5/1/1877 at "Rose Cottage", Tile Kiln Lane, Edmonton, London.[1-5] Emigrated to Sydney, Australia in 1879 on the Lusitania with his parents (see above).[6] Died 11/4/1931 and buried at St Bartholomew's, Prospect, NSW.[2,5,7] Married Florence Emily Neeves 22/4/1903 at St John's C/E, Parramatta.[2,5] Florence was born 5/1/1879 at Prospect, NSW, and died 22/4/1938.[2,7,8] Florence and Harold and both buried at St Bartholomew's, Prospect.[7] Children of Harold Freeman Tosh & Florence Emily Neeves: * i. Clara Winifred Tosh, born 1/3/1904 Parramatta, NSW.[5,8,9] ii. Florence Helen Tosh, born 30/5/1907 at Parramatta. [5,8] Died 8/1996 at North Parramatta.[5] Married James Slight Mackie about 1932 at Parramatta. James born 1905, died 1971. Child: Peter Slight Mackie, born 1934, Parramatta.[5] iii. Harold Thomas Freeman Tosh, born 9/6/1910 Parramatta.[5,8] Died 28/10/1938. Did not marry.[5,7,8] Buried St Bartholomew's, Prospect.[7] [1] Information from the Eastes/Back family bible. [2] Information from the Tosh family bible. [3] St Catherine's Index, sourced by Harold & Carole Ingham. [4] Birth certificate for Harold Freeman Tosh, Edmonton District, Middlesex Co. (London). Book No. 26, page 81. [5] Family records collated by Clara Winifred Tosh & David Powell. [6] Sydney Morning Herald, 12/7/1879. Copy supplied by Sid Hammell. [7] St. Bartholomew's Prospect, NSW, parish records & cemetery gravestone inscriptions. [8] New South Wales BDM Indices, information provided by Joyce Tomasi. [9] Birth certificate extract for Clara Winifred Tosh, 41242/82/GD. ************************************************* 2. Clara Winifred Tosh was born 1/3/1904 at "Otley", 19 Argyle St., Parramatta.[1,2] Died 20/9/1985 at "Winroy", 37 Alexandra Avenue, Westmead, NSW, where she lived from 1927.[1,4,5] Married David Ross "Roy" Robinson III 27/10/1927 at St John's C/E, Parramatta.[1] David was born 1/9/1903, Marrickville, NSW[1,7] and died 7/9/1989 at Westmead Hospital.[5,6] Clara and Roy were cremated and their ashes buried in the Tosh family plot at St Bartholomew's, Prospect.[5] Children of Clara Winifred Tosh & David Ross Robinson: i. Rosemary Claire Ross Robinson, born 16th December, 1933 at Parramatta. Married Lionel James Sylvester 4th February, 1956 at St John's C/E, Parramatta. Lionel was born 1931. Children: Jennifer Eileen (1957), Peter Ross (1960), Suzanna Claire (1963) & James Alan (1967), all of Parramatta. From 1956 until the mid 1970's the family lived at "Otley", Argyle Avenue, Parramatta, after which they moved to Old Toongabbie, NSW.[1] * ii. Patricia Florence Ross Robinson, born 23rd March, 1936, at Parramatta.[1] iii. Lynnette Gay Ross Robinson, born 18th May, 1942, at Parramatta. Married Robert Logan. Robert was born 1941/1942. After marriage they lived at Marayong, moving to the Jervis Bay area on the NSW south coast in the late 1980's. Children: Julie Ann (1969-1969) & Graeme (1971).[1] [1] Family records collated by Clara Winifred Tosh & David Powell. [2] New South Wales BDM Indices, information provided by Joyce Tomasi. [3] Birth certificate extract for Clara Winifred Tosh, 41242/82/GD. [4] Death certificate for Clara Robinson, No.24996. [5] St. Bartholomew's Prospect, NSW, parish records & cemetery gravestone inscriptions. [6] Death certificate for David Ross Robinson III, 1989. No.1989.21222 [7] Birth certificate for David Ross Robinson III, 1903. No.34330/03. ************************************************* 1. Patricia Florence Ross Robinson was born 23rd March, 1936, at Parramatta and lived at "Winroy", Alexandria Avenue, Westmead. Married Ronald William Henry Powell 21st May, 1960, at All Saints C/E, Parramatta and then moved to Marayong, NSW (now Kings Park). Ronald "Bill" was born 16th March, 1931, Paddington, NSW.[1] Children of Patricia Robinson & Ronald Powell: i. David William Powell, born 24th March, 1964, at Parramatta, NSW. Lives Kings Park, NSW.[1] ii. Paul Arthur Powell, born 25th March, 1966 at Blacktown District Hospital. Married Sharren Joan Jiggens (nee Riley) 21st May, 1988, at Christ Church C/E, Blacktown, NSW. Now living at Blacktown. Children: Sonya Patricia (1989) and Nattalie Samantha (1994), both born Blacktown.[1] [1] Family records collated by Clara Winifred Tosh & David Powell.