Dance: Call Me Song: Call Me Clause; Love You Too Much; Move it on Over Artist: Garth Brooks; Brady Seals; Travis Tritt & George Thorogood Album: The Magic of Christmas Choreography & copyright: Martin Ritchie; Level: Beginner-Intermediate Walls: 2 (with Brook's song, otherwise 1 wall) Count: 48 Bridge/restart: no Dance Beat: 138 b/m Start: Feet together, weight on left foot, after 8 count intro on the word "may" * Touch, kick, cross, back, side shuffle & 1/4 turn, step, 1/2 pivot: 1- 2 Touch RIGHT toe beside LEFT instep, kick RIGHT diagonally forward to the RIGHT, 3- 4 Cross RIGHT over LEFT, step LEFT back, 5& 6 Step RIGHT to RIGHT side, step LEFT together (on &), step RIGHT to RIGHT side & 1/4 turn RIGHT, 7- 8 Step LEFT forward, 1/2 pivot turn RIGHT, * Step, scuff, cross, back, side, cross, kick, cross: 9-10 Step LEFT forward, scuff RIGHT forward, 11-12 Cross RIGHT over LEFT, step LEFT back, 13-14 Step RIGHT to RIGHT side, cross LEFT over RIGHT, 15-16 Kick RIGHT diagonally forward to RIGHT (rise on ball of LEFT), cross RIGHT over LEFT, * Side-shuffle, rock replace, full turn, side-shuffle: 17&18 Step LEFT to side, step RIGHT together, step LEFT to side, 19-20 Rock RIGHT back, recover weight onto LEFT, 21-22 Travelling RIGHT: make a turn RIGHT stepping RIGHT, LEFT, 23&24 Step RIGHT to side, step LEFT together, step RIGHT to side, * Rock recover, touch, 1/4 pivot, shuffle forward, kick, cross: 25-26 Cross-rock LEFT over RIGHT, recover weight onto RIGHT, 27-28 Touch LEFT toe to LEFT side, 1/4 pivot turn LEFT (onto LEFT), 29&30 Step RIGHT forward, step LEFT together, step RIGHT forward, 31-32 Kick LEFT diagonally forward to LEFT (rise on ball of RIGHT), cross LEFT over RIGHT, * Touch, together, touch, click, hold, together, touch, click: (This should hit the beat of the music) 33-34 Touch RIGHT toe to side, touch RIGHT toe together, 35-36 Touch RIGHT toe to side, hold & click fingers of RIGHT hand and look RIGHT, 37-38 Hold, touch RIGHT toe together, 39-40 Touch RIGHT toe to side, hold & click fingers of RIGHT hand and look RIGHT, * Step, 1/2 pivot, shuffle fwd, shuffle fwd, kick-ball-step: 41-42 Step RIGHT forward, 1/2 pivot turn LEFT, 43&44 Step RIGHT forward, step LEFT together, step RIGHT forward, 45&46 Step LEFT forward, step RIGHT together, step RIGHT forward, 47&48 Kick RIGHT forward across LEFT, step ball of RIGHT next to LEFT, step LEFT forward. Repeat ****** Restarts: There are restarts during the 3rd & 5th walls when dancing to the Garth Brooks song (making it a 2 wall dance). Dance the first 32 counts & restart facing the opposite wall. The 2nd restart will return you to the front wall. Both re-starts happen just after Garth sings "You gotta swing". The dance will end with the music facing the front. Transcribed: David Powell, 8th December, 2001.