Dance: Change of Heart Song: I Keep Forgetting (100 b/m) Artist: Lee Ann Womack & Vince Gill Album: Some Things I Know Choreography & copyright: Terry Hogan, , 2/2000 Level: Advanced intermediate Walls: 2 Count: 64 Dance Beat: intermediate (100 bpm) Start: Weight on left foot Note: Dance starts with the lyrics, after 16 counts. Note: Counts 37-56 are the same as counts 5-24 except done on the opposite foot. * Side, forward, cha-cha with 1/4 turn, back rock-step, forward & hold: 1- 2 Step RIGHT with RIGHT foot, step LEFT in front of RIGHT (but do not cross over right foot), &3& 4 On ball of LEFT foot 1/4 turn LEFT, cha-cha (R,L,R), moving back slightly, *1* 5- 6 Rock back onto LEFT foot, weight forward onto RIGHT, 7- 8 Step LEFT forward and hold - whilst holding roll hips left & shift all weight onto left so only right toes are touching & right knee is bent forward (ie: push forward with right foot so that you are leaning slightly forward), * Forward right, left; cha-cha; 3 slide-touches: 9-10 Walk forward RIGHT, LEFT, 11&12 Cha-cha (R,L,R), moving slightly forward, *1* 13&14 Slide-touch LEFT toes forward, step LEFT beside RIGHT (on &) and slide-touch RIGHT toes forward, &15-16 Step RIGHT beside LEFT (on &), slide-touch LEFT toes forward, hold, * Together, rock-step, 1/4 turn & step, step, step & 1/4 turn, step & 1/4 turn, cross-ball-step: &17-18 Step LEFT beside RIGHT foot (on &), rock forward onto RIGHT, weight back onto LEFT, 19-20 Make 1/4 turn RIGHT on ball of LEFT foot and step RIGHT with RIGHT foot, cross LEFT in front of RIGHT, 21-22 Make 1/4 turn LEFT on ball of LEFT foot and step back on RIGHT foot, 1/4 turn LEFT on ball of RIGHT foot and step LEFT with LEFT foot, 23&24 Rock RIGHT foot across in front of LEFT, step on spot with LEFT foot (on &), step RIGHT with RIGHT foot, * Cross, 1/4 turn, step, cha-cha, rock-step, 1/4 turn, toe-heel strut: 25-26 Cross LEFT in front of RIGHT foot, make 1/4 turn LEFT on ball of LEFT foot and step back with RIGHT foot, 27&28 Cha-cha (L,R,L) slightly backward, 29-30 Rock back onto RIGHT foot, weight forward onto LEFT, 31-32 Make 1/4 turn LEFT on ball of LEFT foot and touch RIGHT toes to the RIGHT side, drop RIGHT heel, * Cross, 1/4 turn, step, cha-cha with 1/2 turn, rock-step, step & hold: 33-34 Cross LEFT behind RIGHT foot, make 1/4 turn RIGHT on ball of LEFT foot and step RIGHT foot forward, 35&36 Cha-cha (L,R,L) slightly forward, making 1/2 turn RIGHT, 37-38 Rock back onto RIGHT foot, weight forward onto LEFT, 39-40 Step RIGHT forward, hold while rolling hips forward over RIGHT foot (see count 8 for styling), * Step, step, cha-cha, toe-slides, hold: 41-42 Walk forward LEFT, RIGHT, 43&44 Cha-cha (L,R,L) slightly forward, 45&46 Slide-touch RIGHT toes forward, step RIGHT beside LEFT (on &), slide-touch LEFT toes forward, &47-48 Step LEFT beside RIGHT (on &), slide-touch RIGHT toes forward, hold, * Together, rock-step, 1/4 turn & step, step, step & 1/4 turn, step & 1/4 turn, cross-ball-step: &49-50 Step RIGHT beside LEFT foot (on &), rock LEFT forward, weight back onto RIGHT foot, 51-52 Make 1/4 turn LEFT on ball of RIGHT foot and step LEFT with LEFT foot, cross RIGHT in front of LEFt foot, 53-54 Make 1/4 turn RIGHT on ball of RIGHT foot and step back on LEFT foot, 1/4 turn RIGHT on ball of LEFT foot and step RIGHT with RIGHT foot, 55&56 Rock LEFT foot across in front of RIGHT, step on spot with RIGHT foot (on &), step LEFT with LEFT foot, * Two 1/2 pivot turns, 2 1/4 paddle turns: 57-58 Step RIGHT forward, 1/2 pivot turn LEFT, weight onto LEFT, 59-60 Step RIGHT forward, 1/2 pivot turn LEFT, weight onto LEFT, &61-62 Step slightly RIGHT with RIGHT foot (on &), cross LEFT in front of RIGHT, hold, &63 Step slightly forward onto RIGHT ball (on &), toward RIGHT diagonal, replace weight on LEFT foot making 1/4 turn LEFT, *2* &64 Step slightly forward onto RIGHT ball (on &), toward RIGHT diagonal, replace weight on LEFT foot making 1/4 turn LEFT. *2* Repeat BRIDGE - After the 2nd wall, while facing the front: 1-2 Rock RIGHT onto RIGHT foot, weight back onto LEFT making 1/4 turn RIGHT, 3-4 Make 1/4 turn RIGHT on LEFT foot and step RIGHT with RIGHT foot, slide LEFT foot beside RIGHT (weight onto LEFT), 5-6 Rock RIGHT onto RIGHT foot, weight back onto LEFT making 1/4 turn RIGHT, 7-8 Make 1/4 turn RIGHT on LEFT foot and step RIGHT with RIGHT foot, slide LEFT foot beside RIGHT (weight onto LEFT). Notes: *1* Whilst a cha-cha normally is performed "on the spot" and a shuffle is a cha-cha with movement in one direction, the cha-cha's in this dance move less than a normal shuffle and were thus termed cha-cha's by the choreographer. *2* "63,64" is a paddle turn - the L foot should stay in place with only the heel lifting as the foot turns toward the new wall - the R foot does all the work and 'pushes' the body to change direction. The feet should stay close so that the R toe is no more than 6-8 inches from the L heel throughout. Transcribed: David Powell, 15th June, 2000.