Dance: Coconut Cream Song: Coconut (We're gunna party tonight) Artist: Smile Album: -- Choreography and/or copyright: Debbie Wilson Level: Intermediate Walls: 4 Count: 32 Dance Beat: fast Start: Weight on right foot * Left Rock-step, cross-shuffle, repeat on other foot: 1- 2 Rock LEFT onto LEFT foot, weight back onto RIGHT, 3- 4 Cross LEFT in front of RIGHT, step RIGHT with RIGHT (on &) and together with LEFT, 5- 6 Rock RIGHT onto RIGHT foot, weight back onto LEFT, 7- 8 Cross RIGHT in front of LEFT, step LEFT with LEFT (on &) and together with RIGHT, * Step left & hold, 1/4 turn right on balls of the feet & hold, two 1/4 "ball" turns left, coaster-step: 9-10 Step LEFT with LEFT and hold, ** 11-12 Twist RIGHT on balls of the feet, making 1/4 turn RIGHT and hold, 13-14 Twist LEFT on balls of the feet, making 1/4 turn LEFT, Twist LEFT on balls of the feet, making 1/4 turn LEFT, weight on RIGHT, 15-16 Step back on LEFT foot, together with RIGHT, step forward onto LEFT, * 1/2 pivot left, 360 turn right with hitch, step, slide together, left kick-ball-change: 17-18 Step forward on RIGHT foot and 1/2 turn LEFT on LEFT foot, 19-20 Step forward with RIGHT foot, hitch LEFT leg and make a full turn LEFT, 21-22 Step forward with LEFT foot, slide together with RIGHT, taking weight onto RIGHT foot, 23-24 Kick forwards with LEFT foot, weight onto ball of LEFT foot beside RIGHT foot (on &), step on spot with RIGHT foot, * cross & 1/2 turn (unwind) Right then Left, 2 sailor-steps: 25-26 Cross LEFT foot in front of RIGHT and make 1/2 turn RIGHT with weight onto LEFT, 27-28 Cross RIGHT foot in front of LEFT and make 1/2 turn LEFT with weight onto RIGHT, 29-32 Step LEFT foot behind RIGHT, step RIGHT with RIGHT (on &) and together with LEFT, Step RIGHT foot behind LEFT, step LEFT with LEFT (on &) and together with RIGHT. Repeat ** Can stomp instead of stepping Transcribed: David Powell, 23th May, 2000.