Dance: Cold Blooded Music: Sophisticated Lady - Mya [Moodring], medium b/m Choreographed by: Scott Blevins,; 8/2003 Description: 2 wall, 32 count, Intermediate linedance Bridge/restart: none Start: Feet together, weight on left foot * 1-8 Step, 1/4R, sailor & 1/4R, 1/2R-ball, side, behind-ball-point: 1-2 Step RIGHT forward, 1/4 turn RIGHT & step LEFT to LEFT side, [3:00] 3&4 Cross RIGHT foot behind LEFT & rock/step onto ball of RIGHT foot, recover weight onto LEFT, 1/4 turn RIGHT & step RIGHT forward, [6:00] &5-6 Make 1/2 turn RIGHT on RIGHT foot (on &), step LEFT next to RIGHT, step RIGHT to RIGHT side, [12:00] 7&8 Cross LEFT behind RIGHT & rock/step onto ball of LEFT foot, recover weight onto RIGHT, point LEFT to LEFT side, * 9-16: Kick-ball-side, cross, side, hips: 1&2 Kick LEFT foot forward, step ball of LEFT next to RIGHT, step RIGHT to RIGHT side, 3-4 Cross LEFT over RIGHT, step RIGHT to RIGHT side, 5&6 Bump RIGHT hip up & to the RIGHT, return to centre, bump RIGHT hip down & to the RIGHT, 7&8 Bump RIGHT hip up & to the RIGHT, return to centre, bump RIGHT hip down & to the RIGHT, [12:00] Optional arm/hand motions for counts 5-8: Think disco. Rotating from elbow with RIGHT hand in a fist, RIGHT arm will mimic hip motion in the shape of a "C". RIGHT arm will go up on 5, down on 6, up on 7. On the '&' bring fist to chest with arm parallel to floor leaning head to LEFT, and then finish on count 8 by pushing elbow RIGHT while snapping head to RIGHT. * 17-24: Ball-cross, back, side, step, cross-samba, step, step: &1-2 Take weight onto LEFT foot, cross RIGHT over LEFT, step LEFT back, 3-4 Step RIGHT to RIGHT side, step LEFT forward, 5&6 Cross RIGHT over LEFT, step LEFT to LEFT side, step RIGHT to RIGHT side & push hips back, 7-8 Step LEFT forward, step RIGHT forward, [12:00] (prepping foot for a RIGHT turn) * 25-32: Spin, ball-recover, step, 3/4L-side, behind-side-point, hips: 1 Make a full turn RIGHT on RIGHT foot, &2 Step slightly back on the ball of LEFT foot, recover weight onto RIGHT foot, 3 Step LEFT forward (prepping foot for a LEFT turn), &4 Make 3/4 turn LEFT (on LEFT foot, step RIGHT to RIGHT side, [3:00] 5&6 Cross LEFT behind RIGHT & rock/step onto ball of LEFT foot, recover weight onto RIGHT, point LEFT to LEFT side, 7-8 Bump hips to LEFT twice, shifting weight to LEFT foot on count 8 and bringing RIGHT foot to centre. [3:00] Repeat ****** Formatted: David Powell, 24th February, 2004.