Dance: Cry Yourself a River Music: Babys Gone Home - The McClymonts [EP]; medium-fast b/m Choreographer: Maddison & Tom Glover, 0411617957; 6/2006 Description: 4 wall, 48 count Improver line dance Tags/Restarts: 2 restarts Starts: Feet together, weight on left foot. Short intro - start on the word "Cry" * 1-8: R45, L45, step, lock, step, scuff: 1-4 Touch RIGHT heel to RIGHT diagonal, step RIGHT beside LEFT, touch LEFT heel to LEFT diagonal, hook LEFT foot towards RIGHT shin, 5-8 Step LEFT forward, lock RIGHT on outside of LEFT, step LEFT forward, scuff RIGHT beside LEFT, * 9-16: Rock fwd, recover, 1/2R, hold, rolling vine R & scuff: 1-2 Rock/step RIGHT forward, recover weight onto LEFT, 3-4 Make 1/2 turn RIGHT & step RIGHT forward, hold, 5-8 Make 1/4 turn RIGHT & step LEFT to LEFT side, cross RIGHT behind LEFT, make 1/4 turn LEFT & step LEFT forward, scuff RIGHT beside LEFT, ** * 17-24: Side, tap, side, tap, vine R & scuff: 1-4 Step RIGHT to RIGHT side, touch LEFT beside RIGHT, step LEFT to LEFT side, touch RIGHT beside LEFT, 5-8 Step RIGHT to RIGHT side, cross LEFT behind RIGHT, step RIGHT to RIGHT side, scuff LEFT beside RIGHT, * 25-32: Side, twists, back, tap, step, 1/2L & hitch: 1-4 Large step LEFT to LEFT side, twist RIGHT heel towards LEFT, twist toes towards LEFT, stomp RIGHT beside LEFT (weight still on LEFT), 5-8 Step RIGHT back, cross/touch toes LEFT over RIGHT, step LEFT forward, 1/2 turn LEFT (on LEFT) & hitch RIGHT, * * 33-40: Step, lock, step, 1/4R & hitch, step, lock, step, scuff: 1-4 Step RIGHT forward, lock LEFT on outside of RIGHT, step RIGHT forward, 1/4 turn RIGHT (on RIGHT) & hitch LEFT, 5-8 Step LEFT forward, lock RIGHT on outside of LEFT, step LEFT forward, scuff RIGHT beside LEFT, * 41-48: Toe struts to R45 x2, sways x4: 1-4 Traveling towards RIGHT diagonal - RIGHT toe/heel strut, crossing LEFT over RIGHT toe/heel strut, 5-8 Step/sway RIGHT to RIGHT side, sway LEFT, sway RIGHT, sway LEFT. Repeat ****** Restarts: During 3rd wall, restart after count 32 (*), facing 6:00 During 7th wall, restart after count 16 (**), facing 9:00 Finish: After you have done counts 17,18,19&20, you will be facing 3:00, step R fwd, 1/4 pivot turn L to face the front, stomp R. Formatted 16th November, 2006;