Dance: Dancin' In The Tub Music: Splish Splash (I Was Taking A Bath) - Scooter Lee [More Of The Best And Then Some] Choreographer: Sandy Kerrigan; 7/2006 Description: 4 wall, 32 count Beginner line dance Tags/Restarts: none Starts: Feet together, weight on left foot * 1-8: Vine R, hip sways x4: 1-4 Step RIGHT to RIGHT side, cross LEFT behind RIGHT, step RIGHT to RIGHT side, touch LEFT together, 5-8 Sway hips to LEFT side, sway hips to RIGHT side, sway hips to LEFT side, sway hips to RIGHT side, * 9-16: Vine L, fwd V-step: 1-4 Step LEFT to LEFT side, cross RIGHT behind LEFT, step LEFT to LEFT side, touch RIGHT together, 5-8 Step RIGHT forward to RIGHT diagonal, step LEFT forward to LEFT diagonal, step RIGHT back to centre, step LEFT together, [12:00] * 17-24: Weave R & 3/4R, Kick, back, kick, back: 1-4 Make 1/4 turn RIGHT & step RIGHT forward, 1/2 turn RIGHT & step back LEFT, make 1/2 turn RIGHT & step RIGHT forward, step LEFT forward, [3:00] 5-8 Kick RIGHT forward, step RIGHT back, kick LEFT forward, step LEFT back, * 25-32: Rock back, recover, stomp x2, side, tap, side, stomp: 1-2 Rock/step RIGHT back, recover weight onto LEFT, 3-4 Stomp RIGHT beside LEFT twice (weight ends on LEFT), 5-8 Step RIGHT to RIGHT side, touch LEFT together, step LEFT to LEFT side, stomp RIGHT together (weight ends on LEFT). Repeat ****** Formatted 24th October, 2006;