Dance: Dare 2 Party Music: Party For Two - Shania Twain & Billy Currington [single], 121 b/m Choreographed by: Chris Watson & Johnny Montana; 10/2004 & Description: 2 wall, 32 count, Intermediate linedance Bridge/restart: 3 restarts Start: Feet together, weight on right foot. 32 count intro start on lyrics * 1-8: Dwights, heel & rocking chair, shuffle fwd: 1-2 Swivel LEFT heel to RIGHT & touch RIGHT toe next to LEFT instep, swivel LEFT toe to RIGHT & touch RIGHT heel next to LEFT instep, 3-4 Dig RIGHT heel forward (step forward onto RIGHT heel with toe pointed inward and rotate RIGHT foot on heel to point toe outward), step back onto LEFT (this is basically a rock step using the heel only instead of the whole foot), 5-6 Rock/step RIGHT back, recover weight onto LEFT, 7&8 Shuffle forward (R,L,R), [12:00] * 9-16: Step, 1/4R pivot, cross-shuffle, touch fwd, point, ball-point x2: 1-2 Step LEFT forward, 1/4 pivot turn RIGHT (weight onto RIGHT), [3:00] 3&4 Cross-shuffle to RIGHT side (L,R,L) crossing over, 5-6 Touch RIGHT toe forward, touch RIGHT toe to RIGHT side, &7 Step RIGHT together, touch LEFT toe to LEFT side, &8 Step LEFT together, touch RIGHT toe to RIGHT side, [3:00] *** * 17-24: Side rock, recover & 1/4L, shuffle fwd, rock fwd, recover, coaster: 1-2 Rock/step RIGHT to RIGHT side, 1/4 turn LEFT & recover weight onto LEFT, 3&4 Shuffle forward (R,L,R), [12:00] 5-6 Rock/step LEFT forward, recover weight onto RIGHT, 7&8 Step LEFT back, step RIGHT next to LEFT, step LEFT forward, * 25-32: Charleston, step, 1/4L & heel, ball-cross-ball-heel (Vaudeville): 1-2 Step RIGHT forward, kick LEFT foot forward & clap, 3-4 Step LEFT back, touch RIGHT toe back & clap, [9:00] 5-6 Step RIGHT forward, make 1/4 turn LEFT (weight on RIGHT) & tap LEFT heel forward to LEFT diagonal, &7 Step LEFT back, cross RIGHT over LEFT, &8 Step LEFT back, touch RIGHT heel forward to RIGHT diagonal. [6:00] Repeat ****** Restarts: On the 3rd, 6th & 9th walls restart after count 16 (***). -------- Note: This dance was actually choreographed as a phrased dance with 1-32 being part A and 1-16 being part B & the dance sequence being "A,A,B,A,A,B,A,A,B, A,A,A,A". I have reformatted the dance as a 32 count dance with restarts so as to avoid the dance appearing over complicated. The dance is also being taught locally as above. Formatted: 10th November, 2004.