Dance: Desperation Samba Music: Desperation Samba (Halloween In Tijuana) - Jimmy Buffett Choreograped by: Eric Sellers & Monica Miles; 1998 or earlier Description: 2 wall, 48 count, Intermediate linedance Bridge/restart: no Start: Feet together, weight on right foot * 1-8: Side, together, step, hold, side, together, 1/4R, tap: 1-4 Step LEFT to LEFT side, step RIGHT together, step LEFT forward, hold, 5-8 Step RIGHT to RIGHT side, step LEFT together, step RIGHT to RIGHT side & 1/4 turn RIGHT, tap LEFT together,[3:00] * 9-16: Vine & spin & tap, side, slide, side, slide: 1-4 Vine LEFT (L,R,L) & full turn LEFT, tap RIGHT together, 5-8 Step RIGHT to RIGHT side, slide LEFT together, step RIGHT to RIGHT side, slide LEFT together (weight on RIGHT), * 17-24: Back & raise heel, drop heel, together, hold; repeat: 1-4 Step back on ball of LEFT & raise RIGHT heel, drop RIGHT heel, step LEFT together, hold, (raise both arms forward to shoulder level with palms outwards on beats 1-2 and drop on beats 3-4 with a pushing motion) 5-8 Step back on ball of RIGHT & raise LEFT heel, drop LEFT heel, step RIGHT together, hold, (raise both arms forward to shoulder level with palms outwards on beats 1-2 and drop on beats 3-4 with a pushing motion) * 25-32 Slide-steps to diagonals x8: 1-4 Leading with LEFT hip slide LEFT to LEFT diagonal, slide RIGHT together, slide LEFT to LEFT diagonal, slide RIGHT together, 5-8 Leading with RIGHT hip slide RIGHT to RIGHT diagonal, slide LEFT together, slide RIGHT to RIGHT diagonal, slide LEFT together, * 33-40: Rock, recover, together, hold, rock, recover, touch, hold: 1-4 Rock/step LEFT to LEFT side, replace weight onto RIGHT, step LEFT together, hold (with swaying motion), (turning head sharply whilst covering eyes with open LEFT hand on beats 1-2 and drop for beats 3-4 returning head to front) 5-8 Rock/step RIGHT to RIGHT side, replace weight onto LEFT, step RIGHT together (weight on LEFT), hold (swaying motion), (turning head sharply whilst covering eyes with open RIGHT hand on beats 1-2 and drop for beats 3-4 returning head to front) * 41-48: Heel, back, 1/4R, hold, back & raise heel, drop heel, together, hold: 1-2 Touch RIGHT heel forward, step back on ball of RIGHT, 3-4 Make 1/4 turn RIGHT on ball of both feet, hold, [6:00] 5-8 Step back on ball of RIGHT while raising LEFT heel, drop LEFT heel, step RIGHT together, hold. Repeat ****** Finish: To finish the dance, the last side step and replace weight, are done without the hand movements and the final count is a 1/4 turn LEFT with the LEFT foot only and cover the eyes with an open LEFT hand. Transcribed: David Powell, 16th August, 2003.