Dance: Dreams to Share Music: My Love - Westlife [Coast to Coast], 120 b/m Choreography & copyright: Doug Miranda & Jackie Snyder (now Miranda); 6/2001; Level: Intermediate/advanced Walls: 2 Count: 48 Bridge/restart: restart 2nd wall Start: Feet together, weight on left foot * Rock, replace, lock-shuffle fwd, step-1/2pivot-step, shuffle fwd & full turn: 1- 2 Rock/step RIGHT back, recover weight onto LEFT, 3& 4 Step RIGHT forward, lock LEFT behind RIGHT, step RIGHT forward, 5& 6 Step LEFT forward, 1/2 pivot turn RIGHT (weight on RIGHT), step LEFT forward, 7& 8 Make 1/2 turn LEFT & step RIGHT back, make 1/2 turn LEFT & step LEFT forward (on &), step RIGHT forward, * Rock, recover, shuffle back & full turn, lock-back-lock, back-back-lock-back: 9-10 Rock/step LEFT forward, recover weight onto RIGHT, 11&12 Make 1/2 turn LEFT & step LEFT forward, make 1/2 turn LEFT & step RIGHT back (on &), step LEFT back, 13&14 Facing LEFT diagonal & moving back cross RIGHT over LEFT, step LEFT slightly back (on &), cross RIGHT over LEFT, &15&16 Step LEFT slightly back (on &), step RIGHT & face RIGHT diagonal, cross LEFT over RIGHT (on &), step RIGHT back, * Rock, replace, step-3/4-cross, side-samba, side-1/2-cross: 17-18 Rock/step LEFT back, recover weight onto RIGHT, 19&20 Make 1/4 turn RIGHT & step LEFT to LEFT side, make 1/2 turn RIGHT & step RIGHT to RIGHT side (on &), cross LEFT over RIGHT, 21&22 Step RIGHT to RIGHT side, step LEFT back slightly (on &), cross RIGHT over LEFT, 23&24 Step LEFT to LEFT side, make 1/2 turn RIGHT & step RIGHT to RIGHT side (on &), cross LEFT over RIGHT, * Sway, sway, sailor & 1/2, rock, replace, ball-rock, replace: 25-26 Sway RIGHT, sway LEFT, 27&28 Cross RIGHT behind LEFT, 1/4 turn LEFT & step LEFT forward (&), make 1/4 turn LEFT & step RIGHT to RIGHT side, 29-30 Rock/step LEFT forward, recover weight onto RIGHT, &31-32 Step LEFT next to RIGHT (on &), rock/step RIGHT forward, recover weight onto LEFT, * Shuffle back & 5/4, Mambo & drag, rock, replace, shuffle fwd & full: 33&34 Make 1/2 turn RIGHT & step RIGHT forward, make 1/4 turn RIGHT & step LEFT to LEFT side, make 1/2 turn RIGHT & step RIGHT to RIGHT side, ** 35&36 Rock/step LEFT forward, recover weight onto RIGHT (on &), long step LEFT back LEFT & slightly drag RIGHT heel to RIGHT,*** 37-38 Rock/step RIGHT back, recover weight onto LEFT, 39&40 Make 1/2 turn LEFT & step RIGHT back, make 1/2 turn LEFT & step LEFT forward (on &), step RIGHT forward, * Rock, replace, ball-rock, replace, ball-rock, replace, shuffle back & full turn: 41-42 Rock/step LEFT forward, recover weight onto RIGHT, &43-44 Step LEFT next to RIGHT (on &), rock/step RIGHT forward, recover weight onto LEFT, &45-46 Step RIGHT next to LEFT (on &), rock/step LEFT forward, recover weight onto RIGHT, 47&48 Make 1/2 turn LEFT & step LEFT forward, make 1/2 turn LEFT & step RIGHT back (on &), step LEFT back. Repeat ****** Restart: On the 2nd wall dance counts 1-36, restarting after you ------- drag the RIGHT heel back slightly (count 36). *** ** Some have been locally teaching this dance variously with counts 33&34 either being a shuffle to the right side with a 5/4 turn or a cha-cha (triple-step) staying in place with a 5/4 turn. The sheet from the choreographer's website makes clear that the shuffle is moving backwards relative to the position at the end of count 32. The ambiguity seems to stem from the wording of the set description ("5/4 turn right") - whilst many choreographers would use this to imply a turn moving to the right side, similar uses on the same step sheet make it clear that the choreographers of this dance simply mean a turn over the right shoulder and not moving to the right side. Transcribed: David Powell, 9th March, 2003.