Dance: Drinkin' Bone Music: Drinkin' Bone - Tracy Byrd [The Truth About Men], medium b/m Choreographed by: Noel Bradey, Michael Vera-Lobos, Robert Fletcher; 8/2004 Description: 4 wall, 32 count, Improver linedance Bridge/restart: none Start: Feet together, weight on left foot * 1-8: Side, tap, ball-recover, cross, side, tgthr, ball-recover, cross: 1-2 Step RIGHT to RIGHT side, touch LEFT beside RIGHT, &3-4 Step on ball of LEFT foot to LEFT side, step RIGHT in place, cross LEFT over RIGHT, 5-6 Step RIGHT to RIGHT side, step LEFT beside RIGHT, &7-8 Step on ball of RIGHT foot to RIGHT side, step LEFT in place, cross RIGHT over LEFT, *9-16: Coaster, step, 1/2L pivot, shuffle fwd & 1/2L, coaster: 1&2 Step LEFT back, step RIGHT together, step LEFT forward, 3-4 Step RIGHT forward, 1/2 pivot turn LEFT (weight on LEFT), [6:00] 5&6 Shuffle forward & (R,L,R) 1/2 turn LEFT, [12:00] 7&8 Step LEFT back, step RIGHT together, step LEFT forward, * 17-24: Step, tap, heel-jack & step, step & hips, step & hips: 1-2 Step RIGHT forward, tap LEFT toe beside RIGHT, &3&4 Step LEFT back, touch RIGHT heel forward to RIGHT diagonal, step RIGHT beside LEFT, step LEFT forward, 5&6 Step RIGHT forward to RIGHT diagonal & push hips forward to RIGHT diagonal, push hips back to LEFT diagonal, push hips forward to RIGHT diagonal, 7&8 Step LEFT forward to LEFT diagonal & push hips forward to LEFT diagonal, push hips back to RIGHT diagonal, push hips forward to LEFT diagonal, * 25-32: Step, 1/4L pivot, cross-shuffle, 1/4R, 1/4R, out-out, in-tap: 1-2 Step RIGHT forward, 1/4 pivot turn LEFT (weight on LEFT), [9:00] 3&4 Cross RIGHT over LEFT, step LEFT to LEFT side, cross RIGHT over LEFT, 5-6 Make 1/4 turn RIGHT & step LEFT back, make 1/4 turn RIGHT & step RIGHT to RIGHT side, [3:00] &7&8 Step LEFT to LEFT side, step RIGHT to RIGHT side, step LEFT to centre, touch RIGHT beside LEFT. Repeat ****** Ending: On the 7th wall dance up to count 24, then step RIGHT forward, 1/2 pivot turn LEFT, shuffle forward (R,L,R) to end facing the front. Choreographer's note: A fun song. Learn he words and sing along. A restart is indicated in the music - we have chosen to ignore it and just dance through. An easy dance which is lots of fun. Formatted: 18th August, 2004.