Dance: Over the Hill Music: Over the Mountains (remix) - Robertson Brothers [Here], fast Choreograped by: Michael Vera-Lobos,; 7/2003 Description: 2 wall, 64 count, Intermediate linedance Bridge/restart: 1,2,1,0,restart,0,1 Start: Feet together, weight on left foot * 1-8: 1/4R, 3/4R, side-samba, side, drag, ball-cross, 1/4L: 1-2 Step RIGHT to RIGHT & 1/4 turn RIGHT, 3/4 RIGHT & step onto LEFT, 3&4 Rock/step RIGHT to RIGHT side, recover weight onto LEFT, cross RIGHT over LEFT, 5-6 Step LEFT to LEFT side, drag RIGHT towards LEFT, &7-8 Step ball of RIGHT beside LEFT, cross LEFT over RIGHT, make 1/4 turn LEFT & step RIGHT back, [9:00] * 9-16: Rock, recover, step, 1/2R & kick, touch, 1/2 unwind, coaster: 1-2 Rock/step LEFT back, recover weight onto RIGHT, 3-4 Step LEFT forward, 1/2 turn RIGHT & kick RIGHT forward, [3:00] 5-6 Touch RIGHT toe back, 1/2 unwind turn RIGHT (weight on LEFT), 7&8 Step RIGHT back, step LEFT beside RIGHT, step RIGHT forward, [9:00] * 17-24: Rock, recover, coaster, kick-ball-step, 1/2L, 1/2L: 1-2 Rock/step LEFT forward, recover weight onto RIGHT, 3&4 Step LEFT back, step RIGHT beside LEFT, step LEFT forward, 5&6 Moving forward - Kick RIGHT forward, step RIGHT beside LEFT, step LEFT forward, 7-8 Moving forward - full turn LEFT stepping RIGHT, LEFT, [9:00] * 25-32: Rock, recover, shuffle back, 1/2L, rock, recover, 1/2R: 1-2 Rock/step RIGHT forward, recover weight onto LEFT, 3&4 Shuffle back (R,L,R), 5 Make 1/2 turn LEFT & step LEFT forward, 6-7 Rock/step RIGHT forward, recover weight onto LEFT, 8 Make 1/2 turn RIGHT & step RIGHT forward, [9:00] * 33-40: Rock, recover, ball-cross, back, side, 1/2R hinge, sailor & 1/2R: 1-2 Rock/step LEFT forward, recover weight onto RIGHT, &3-4 Step LEFT back to LEFT diagonal, cross RIGHT over LEFT, step LEFT back to LEFT diagonal, 5-6 Step RIGHT to RIGHT side, make 1/2 hinge turn RIGHT & step LEFT to LEFT side, [3:00] 7&8 Cross RIGHT behind LEFT, 1/4 turn RIGHT & step onto LEFT, make 1/4 turn RIGHT & step onto RIGHT, [9:00] * 41-48: Side-shuffle, cross-rock, recover, side, cross, side-samba: 1&2 Shuffle to LEFT side (L,R,L), 3-4 Cross-rock/step RIGHT over LEFT, recover weight onto LEFT, [9:00] 5-6 Step RIGHT to RIGHT side, cross LEFT over RIGHT, 7&8 Rock/step RIGHT to RIGHT side, recover weight onto LEFT, cross RIGHT over LEFT, * 49-56: Rock, recover, sailor, touch, 3/4R unwind, side, point: 1-2 Rock/step LEFT to LEFT side, recover weight onto RIGHT, 3&4 Moving slightly back - cross LEFT behind RIGHT, step RIGHT to RIGHT side, step LEFT together, 5-6 Touch RIGHT toe behind LEFT, make 3/4 unwind turn RIGHT (weight on RIGHT), [6:00] 7-8 Step LEFT to LEFT side, touch RIGHT to RIGHT side, *** * 57-64: Cross-samba, cross-samba, jazz-box & cross: 1&2 Moving forward - Cross RIGHT over LEFT, rock/step LEFT to LEFT, recover weight onto RIGHT, 3&4 Moving forward - Cross LEFT over RIGHT, rock/step RIGHT to RIGHT, recover weight onto LEFT 5-8 Cross RIGHT over LEFT, step LEFT back, step RIGHT to RIGHT side, cross LEFT over RIGHT. [6:00] Repeat ****** Tags & restart: Dance the following tag as given beneath. -------------- 1&2 Touch RIGHT toe to RIGHT side, step RIGHT beside LEFT, touch LEFT toe to LEFT side, 3&4 Step LEFT back, step RIGHT beside LEFT, step LEFT forward. At the end of the 1st wall - dance the tag once. x1 " 2nd wall - dance the tag twice. x2 " 3rd wall - dance the tag once. x1 " 4th wall - do not dance the tag. x0 On the 5th wall - restart after count 56 (***) -restart At the end of the 6th wall - do not dance the tag. x0 At the end of the 7th wall dance the tag once and then add the following to finish the dance facing the front: 1-2 Step RIGHT forward, 1/2 pivot turn LEFT, [12:00] 3-4 Walk forward RIGHT, LEFT. Transcribed: David Powell, 30th July, 2003.