Dance: Play by the Rules (Miss all the Fun) Music: Jacky Don Tucker - Toby Keith [Dream Walkin']; 158 b/m Choreographer: Lyn & Iain Booth, Linda & Mitch Burgess, 1/2006, 02-9482-7444 or 0402-908444 Description: 2 wall, 72 count Advanced line dance Tags/Restarts: 3 mid-wall tags, 1 end of wall tag, 2 restarts Starts: Feet together, weight on left foot. 32 count intro. Starts on lyrics * 1-8: Fwd rocking chair, step, scuff, hitch & scoot, stomp: 1-4 Rock/step RIGHT forward, replace weight onto LEFT, rock/step RIGHT back, replace weight onto LEFT, 5-8 Step RIGHT forward, scuff LEFT forward, hitch LEFT & scoot forward on RIGHT, stomp LEFT together, * 9-16: Stomp & R fans, 1/4L & stomp & L fans: 1-4 Stomp RIGHT forward, fan RIGHT toes out, in, out, 5-8 Make 1/4 turn LEFT & stomp LEFT forward, fan LEFT toes out, in, out, * 17-24: Step, 1/2L pivot, step, hold, full R turn fwd, step, 1/2R pivot: 1-4 Step RIGHT forward, 1/2 pivot turn LEFT, step RIGHT forward, hold, 5-6 Make 1/2 turn RIGHT & step back LEFT, 1/2 turn RIGHT & step RIGHT forward, 7-8 Step LEFT forward, 1/2 pivot turn RIGHT, * 25-36: Shuffle L, rock back, recover, shuffle R, touch b/h, 5 count 3/4L unwind: 1&2 Shuffle to LEFT side (L,R,L), 3-4 Rock/step RIGHT back, replace weight onto LEFT, 5&6 Shuffle to RIGHT side (R,L,R), ** 7-12 Touch LEFT toe behind RIGHT, slow 3/4 unwind turn LEFT for 5 counts (weight on RIGHT) shimmying shoulders, * 37-48: Heel, toe, heel, side, twist heels L, twist toes L, rock back, recover: 1-4 Touch LEFT heel forward, touch LEFT toes to side, touch LEFT heel forward, step LEFT to LEFT side, 5-6 Traveling LEFT twist heels LEFT, twist toes LEFT, 7-8 Rock/step RIGHT back, replace weight onto LEFT, * 45-52: Shuffle R, rock back, recover, vine L & spin L & tap: 1&2 Shuffle to RIGHT side (R,L,R), 3-4 Rock/step LEFT back, replace weight onto RIGHT, 5-8 Vine LEFT & full turn LEFT (L,R,L), touch RIGHT beside LEFT & clap, *** * 53-60: Heel, kick, cross, heel, kick, cross, rock back, recover: 1-3 Touch RIGHT heel to RIGHT diagonal, kick RIGHT to RIGHT diagonal, cross RIGHT over LEFT, 4-6 Touch LEFT heel to LEFT diagonal, kick LEFT to LEFT diagonal, cross LEFT over RIGHT, 7-8 Rock/step RIGHT back, replace weight onto LEFT, * 61-68: Step, 1/2L pivot, shuffle fwd, full R turn fwd, shuffle fwd: 1-2 Step RIGHT forward, 1/2 pivot turn LEFT, 3&4 Shuffle forward (R,L,R), 5-6 Make 1/2 turn RIGHT & step LEFT back, 1/2 turn RIGHT & step RIGHT forward, 7&8 Shuffle forward (L,R,L), * 69-72: Back, slow drag (2c), stomp: 1-4 Step RIGHT back to RIGHT diagonal, slowly drag LEFT together (2 counts), stomp LEFT together (weight onto LEFT). Repeat ****** * Mid-wall tag: On walls 2, 4 and 6, add the following after count 30 (**): 1-2 Rock/step LEFT back, replace weight onto RIGHT, 3-6 Step LEFT forward, kick RIGHT to RIGHT diagonal, step RIGHT forward, kick LEFT to LEFT diagonal, 7-10 Step LEFT back, kick RIGHT to RIGHT diagonal, step RIGHT back, kick LEFT to LEFT diagonal. Resume dance at count 31 (touch L toe behind, 3/4L slow unwind) & dance through to count 60 and restart (wall 2 only). Dance through to the end (count 72) for walls 4&6. * On wall 4, add an extra "Hold & clap" after count 52 (***). * At the end of wall 4 add: 1-4 Step LEFT back to LEFT diagonal, slowly drag RIGHT together (2 counts), stomp RIGHT together (weight on LEFT). * Restart. On wall 5 dance to count 31. On count 32 unwind 3/4 turn LEFT & restart to front wall. Dance Summary: Wall 1 – 72 counts (vanilla) -------------- Wall 2 – 70 counts (72-12+10: with mid-wall tag & restart) Wall 3 – 72 Counts (vanilla) Wall 4 – 87 Counts (72+10+1+4: with mid-wall tag, hold & tag) Wall 5 – 32 Counts (restart) Wall 6 – 82 Counts (72+10: with mid-wall tag) Dance finishes on count 72 facing front wall. Formatted 9th February, 2006;