Dance: Pure Country Music: She Lays it all on the Line - George Strait [Pure Country soundtrack], medium b/m Choreographed by: Darren Mitchell & Cathryn Proudfoot; 5/2004 0417-516-278;, 0427-667-860 Description: 2 wall, 72 count, Intermediate linedance Bridge/restart: 1 restart/tag Start: Feet together, weight on left foot Note - this dance was originally choreographed as a phrased (AB) dance, but has since been rewritten as a straight 72 count dance with a restart. * 1-8: 1/4R Monterey & toe-strut, rock fwd, recover, 1/4L-1/2L, step: 1-2 Touch RIGHT toe to RIGHT side, 1/4 turn RIGHT & step RIGHT together, 3-4 Touch LEFT toe to LEFT side, drop LEFT heel to floor (weight to LEFT), 5-6 Rock/step RIGHT back, recover weight onto LEFT, &7-8 Make 1/4 turn LEFT & step RIGHT back (on &), make 1/2 turn LEFT & step LEFT forward, step RIGHT forward, * 9-16: Rock fwd, recover, coaster, fwd heel-strut, rock-recover, cross: 1-2 Rock/step LEFT forward, recover weight onto RIGHT, 3&4 Step LEFT back, step RIGHT together, step LEFT forward, 5-6 Touch RIGHT heel forward, drop RIGHT toe to floor (weight onto RIGHT), &7-8 Rock/step LEFT to LEFT side (on &), recover weight onto RIGHT, cross LEFT over RIGHT, * 17-24: 1/4L, 1/2L, step, hook, heel-jack & step, 1/2R pivot, step: 1-2 Make 1/4 turn LEFT & step RIGHT back, 1/2 turn LEFT & step LEFT forward, 3-4 Step RIGHT forward, hook LEFT foot up behind RIGHT calf, &5&6 Step LEFT slightly back (on &), touch RIGHT heel forward, step RIGHT beside LEFT (on &), step LEFT forward, 7-8 Make 1/2 pivot turn RIGHT (weight onto RIGHT), step LEFT forward, * 25-32: Fwd heel-strut, heel bounces, stomp, fan out, fan in, fan out: 1-2 Touch RIGHT heel forward, drop RIGHT toe to floor (weight onto RIGHT), &3&4 Lift RIGHT heel off floor (on &), drop RIGHT heel, lift RIGHT heel off floor (on &), drop RIGHT heel (weight onto RIGHT), 5-6 Stomp/step LEFT forward, fan LEFT toe to LEFT side (weight on LEFT heel), 7-8 Fan LEFT toe to centre, fan LEFT toe to LEFT side (weight onto LEFT), *** * 33-40: Dorothy x2, hips bumps: 1-2& Step RIGHT forward to RIGHT diagonal, lock LEFT behind RIGHT, step RIGHT to RIGHT side (on &), 3-4& Step LEFT forward to LEFT diagonal, lock RIGHT behind LEFT, step LEFT to LEFT side (on &), 5-8 Step RIGHT to RIGHT side & bump hips RIGHT, bump hips LEFT, bump hips RIGHT, bump hips LEFT (weight onto LEFT), * 41-48: Sailor, tap bh, 3/4L unwind,back, drag, ball-step, step: 1&2 Moving backwards: Cross RIGHT behind LEFT, step LEFT to LEFT side, step RIGHT to RIGHT side, 3-4 Touch LEFT toe behind RIGHT foot, 3/4 unwind turn LEFT (weight onto LEFT), 5-6 Step RIGHT back, drag LEFT towards RIGHT (weight stays on RIGHT), &7-8 Step back on LEFT (on &), step RIGHT forward, step LEFT forward, * 49-56: Syncopated weave, rock fwd, recover, ball-touch, full R unwind: 1-2 Step RIGHT to RIGHT side, cross LEFT behind RIGHT, &3-4 Step RIGHT to RIGHT side, cross LEFT over RIGHT, step RIGHT to RIGHT side, 5-6 Rock/step LEFT back behind RIGHT, recover weight onto RIGHT, &7-8 Step LEFT to LEFT side (on &), touch RIGHT toe behind LEFT foot, full unwind turn RIGHT (weight on RIGHT), * 57-64: Syncopated weave, rock fwd, recover, ball-touch, 3/4L unwind: 1-2 Step LEFT to LEFT side, cross RIGHT behind LEFT, &3-4 Step LEFT to LEFT side, cross RIGHT over LEFT, step LEFT to LEFT side, 5-6 Rock/step RIGHT back behind LEFT, recover weight onto LEFT, &7-8 Step RIGHT to RIGHT side (on &), touch LEFT toe behind RIGHT foot, make 3/4 unwind turn LEFT (weight on LEFT), * 65-72: Step, tap, heel-jack & tap, step, 1/2R pivot, 1/4R, tap: 1-2 Step LEFT forward, touch LEFT toe beside RIGHT foot, &3&4 Step slightly back on LEFT (on &), touch RIGHT heel forward, step down onto RIGHT (on &), touch LEFT toe beside RIGHT foot, 5-6 Step LEFT forward, 1/2 pivot turn RIGHT (weight onto RIGHT), 7-8 Make 1/4 turn RIGHT & step LEFT to LEFT side, touch RIGHT beside LEFT. Repeat ****** Restart/tag: On the 3rd wall dance up to count 32 (***), add the following ----------- 2 counts & then restart the next wall 1-2 Step RIGHT forward, 1/4 pivot turn LEFT (weight onto LEFT). Finish: Dance up to count 22, then do a 3/4 pivot turn RIGHT (instead of 1/2R) & big step LEFT to LEFT side. Formatted: 21st August, 2004.