Dance: Ride 'em Cowboy Music: Save a Hose (Ride a Cowboy) - Big & Rich [Horse of a Different Color], 102 b/m Choreographed by: Leonie Smallwood,; 8/2004 Description: 4 wall, 32 count, Improver linedance Bridge/restart: 3 tags Start: Feet together, weight on left foot. Begin on lyrics. * 1-8: Step, step, side, side, jump fwd x4 [Saddle up & ride]: 1-2 Step RIGHT forward, step LEFT forward, 3-4 Step RIGHT to RIGHT side, step LEFT to LEFT side, 5-8 Jump (or chug) both feet forward x4 (hips R,L with each 'chug'), * 9-16: Syncopated rockinghorse, step-1/2L pivot-scuff, ball-tap x2, tap-1/4R, hip-bounce [Make some noise]: 1&2& Rock/step RIGHT forward, replace weight onto LEFT, rock/step RIGHT back, replace weight onto LEFT, 3&4 Step RIGHT forward, 1/2 pivot turn LEFT (weight onto LEFT), scuff RIGHT beside LEFT, &5&6 Step RIGHT to RIGHT side, tap LEFT toe behind RIGHT foot, step LEFT to LEFT side, tap RIGHT heel in place, &7&8 Tap RIGHT toe behind LEFT foot, 1/4 unwind turn RIGHT (weight on LEFT), lift RIGHT hip, drop RIGHT hip, * 17-24: Shuffle fwd, ball-lock, 1/2R unwind; repeat [Up & down Broadway]: 1&2 Shuffle forward (R,L,R), &3-4 Step LEFT forward, lock RIGHT behind LEFT, make 1/2 unwind turn RIGHT (weight onto LEFT), 5&6 Shuffle forward (R,L,R), &7-8 Step LEFT forward, lock RIGHT behind LEFT, make 1/2 unwind turn RIGHT (weight onto LEFT), * 25-32: Out-out, knee/hip roll, heel tap, walk back x4 [& the girls say]: &1-4 Step RIGHT to RIGHT side, step LEFT to LEFT side, hook thumbs in belt & roll both knees clockwise (lift heels & roll hips), tap both heels in place, 5-8 Walk back RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT (cowboy style). Repeat ****** Tags: At the end of the 2nd, 4th & 8th walls (ie: at the end of every chorus) ---- repeat the last 8 counts. Formatted: 21st August, 2004.