Dance: Don't It Make You Want To Dance Music: Don't It Make You Want To Dance - Chris Ledoux [-], medium Choreography & copyright: Rosalie Mackay; 1/2003 email:r& Level: Intermediate Walls: 2 Count: 64 Bridge/restart: no Start: Feet together, weight on right foot * Cross-rock, recover, side-shuffle, back-rock, recover, side shuffle: 1- 2 Rock/step LEFT over RIGHT, replace weight on RIGHT, 3& 4 Shuffle to LEFT side (L,R,L), 5- 6 Rock/step RIGHT behind LEFT, replace weight on LEFT, 7& 8 Shuffle to RIGHT side (R,L,R), * Rock, recover, side shuffle & 1/4, rock, recover, full turn fwd: 9-10 Rock/step LEFT behind RIGHT, replace weight on RIGHT, 11&12 Shuffle to LEFT side (L,R,L) & 1/4 turn RIGHT on last step, 13-14 Rock/step RIGHT behind LEFT, replace weight on LEFT, 15&16 Travelling forward make full turn LEFT stepping RIGHT, LEFT, * Stomp, 4 heel bounces, hip bumps: 17-21 Stomp RIGHT forward to RIGHT diagonal, bounce RIGHT heel four times, 22-24 Bump hips LEFT three times, * Ball-cross, ball-cross, rock, recover, cross-shuffle, side, 1/2 hinge & cross: &25&26 Step RIGHT to RIGHT side (on &), cross LEFT over RIGHT, step RIGHT to RIGHT side (on &), cross LEFT over RIGHT, 27-28 Rock/step RIGHT to RIGHT side, replace weight on LEFT, 29&30 Cross RIGHT over LEFT, step LEFT to side, cross RIGHT over LEFT, 31-32 Step LEFT to LEFT side, 1/2 hinge turn RIGHT & cross RIGHT over LEFT, * Side, behind, cha & full turn, side, behind, cha & 3/4: 33-34 Step LEFT to LEFT side, cross RIGHT behind LEFT, 35&36 Cha-cha (L,R,L) & full turn LEFT, 37-38 Step RIGHT to RIGHT side, cross LEFT behind RIGHT, 39&40 Cha-cha (R,L,R) & 3/4 turn RIGHT, * Side, kick-ball-side, ball-change, side, hitch, ball-change, hitch: 41 Step LEFT to LEFT side, 42&43 Kick RIGHT across LEFT, step RIGHT to RIGHT side (on &), step LEFT to LEFT side, &44 Step RIGHT in place (on &), step LEFT in place, 45-46 Step RIGHT to RIGHT side, hitch LEFT knee across RIGHT, &47-48 Step LEFT to LEFT side (on &), step RIGHT in place, hitch LEFT knee across RIGHT, * Step, tap, heel-jack & tap behind, stomp, hold, behind-side-cross: 49-50 Step LEFT forward to LEFT diagonal, tap RIGHT toe behind LEFT, &51&52 Step RIGHT back (on &), touch LEFT heel to LEFT diagonal, step LEFT to centre (on &), tap RIGHT toe behind LEFT, 53-54 Stomp RIGHT to RIGHT side, hold, 55&56 Cross LEFT behind RIGHT, step RIGHT to RIGHT side, cross LEFT over RIGHT, * Step, tap, heel-jack & tap behind, stomp, hold, sailor: 57-58 Step RIGHT forward to RIGHT diagonal, tap LEFT toe behind RIGHT, &59&60 Step LEFT back (on &), touch RIGHT heel to RIGHT diagonal, step RIGHT to centre (on &), tap LEFT toe behind RIGHT, 61-62 Stomp LEFT to LEFT side, hold, 63&64 Cross RIGHT behind LEFT, step LEFT to LEFT side, step RIGHT to RIGHT diagonal. Repeat ****** Transcribed: David Powell, 6th February, 2003.